A cultural evening in honor of two renowned poets from South Asia, Amjad Islam Amjad and Anwar Masood, was held in Riyadh by Dr. Mansour Memon's family at the Khan's BBQ recently. The grand event was attended by elite families from the Pakistani community. Dr.Erum Qalbani, the host of the evening, addressed the gathering and introduced the poets and the guest of honor, Ambassador of Islamic Republic of Pakistan Mohammad Naeem Khan. Dr. Memon on behalf of the Khan's BBQ presented the “Ajrak” (shawl), cultural symbol of love and respect, to the guest of honor. Dr. Ishaak Mallick presented a bouquet to Khan and businessmen Mamoor Elahi of power zone; and Adnan Butt, Dr. Rao Ishtiaq and Abdul Hameed of Adam Shamran showered the two poets with gifts. Amjad captivated the hearts of the audience by melodiously delivering his poetry of love and peace, while Masood entertained with his humorous poetry. The laureates on request from the guests also read verses by other well-known poets. “Gains in sophistication while preserving its luminosity that is how the Memons have portrayed and set this evening,” said Khan.