Adel Fakieh, Minister of Labor, Saturday endorsed the executive bylaw governing the unemployment aid Hafiz Program. The bylaw defines the rights and obligations of the three parties involved in the program: the beneficiaries, the ministry and the Human Resources Development Fund (HRDF). The minister said the bylaw which will be effective after four weeks from the date of its publication on the program's official site requires beneficiaries to visit the site on a weekly basis. The weekly browsing of the site, the minister said, will enable beneficiaries to become acquainted with the program's guidelines and they will also receive any information pertaining to training and employment offered by the HRDF. Saudi female jobseekers, the minister said, will benefit most from the program by making use of the services in their search for honorable jobs. Non-compliance with the bylaw will result in reducing the monthly financial aid of the beneficiaries, the minister warned.