Zain Group has agreed with Dubai-based NeuString, the leading supplier of actionable business data analytics for mobile operators, to utilize its 'OptiPrizer' predictive analytics software across seven Middle East markets to improve the cost and quality of roaming services. Neustring's OptiPrizer software helps to increase profit margins through accurate and actionable analytics of individual customer's activity, giving the operator an unprecedented ability to control, forecast and improve revenues. The agreement, which was signed on the side-lines of the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona, covers all customers on Zain's network in, Bahrain, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Sudan and South Sudan making this the largest deployment of NeuString's software to date. Nabeel Bin Salamah, CEO of Zain Group, said: "We found out, during the analysis and testing period, that NeuString's predictive analytics solution, OptiPrizer, offers many advantages and tangible results, and by using it, we have increased our efficiency and productivity, and we now have the ability to run targeted plans, which in turn has enabled us to increase our profit margins." He added that this cooperation will open up new horizons for Zain Group in this type of applications, as it will enable us to continue to fulfill our obligations towards our customers, in addition to devoting more of our resources in support of our core business. Jens Nikolaj Aertebjerg, CEO of NeuString, said "NeuString is very pleased to have another large mobile operator group onboard, and with Zain Group we cement our market leading position as the preferred choice for roaming analytics in general and specifically for mobile operators looking to benefit from group interaction and the unification of their market activities." "We are really excited to have Zain Group on board using our OptiPrizer software. Our expertise in roaming, and consultative approach to customer service means that Zain Group is sure to make great profit improvements," said Nevzat Simsek, CCO of NeuString. NeuString has an unrivalled reputation for being able to provide focused, advanced, actionable analytics for telecoms. The OptiPrizer software is a proven solution processing the data of more than 45 operators worldwide, providing profit improvements of between 5 percent and 22 percent.