RIYADH — About 25,000 buses on Sunday began transporting about 1.2 million students to their schools and back home in various regions of the Kingdom after the end of the mid-year vacation. The Tatweer (Development) Company, which is the executive arm of the Ministry of Education for school transport, has fielded more than 25,000 school buses, 28,000 drivers, technicians and administrators, in addition to 230 field supervisors, to run the service. The transportation to and from the schools is provided free of charge to both male and female students in various parts of the country. Majed Ghilab Al-Amri, an official of the company, said Tatweer is determined to make the smooth transportation of students from the first day of the resumption of classes after the mid-year break. He said the transportation of students is a major support to the process of education in the Kingdom. "We are keen to receive observations, comments, inquires and requests by parents throughout the day on the toll free telephone number 800 1231 000," he said. Amri said parents could also maintain contacts with the company through social media accounts and also through Hafilati (My Bus) application on smart phones.