DAIKIN Air Conditioning, the global number one in air-conditioning solutions, has achieved a very strong position in the Saudi market when it comes to offering the best and most efficient latest A/C technologies, as well as providing top services and aftersales services that are one of the most important factors for any company. After several successful growing years in Saudi Arabia, Daikin wants to take it one step further by highlighting how they can contribute to the "Saudi 2030 Vision" in terms of its energy efficiency and sustainability targets." Belgian Ambassador to Saudi Arabia Geert Criel played host to an energy efficiency event at the Belgian Embassy in Riyadh last Oct. 4 attended by a lot of high profile people from government institutions, design & consultant companies as well as building developers who all have a high interest in energy efficiency and sustainable design. Criel said: "Daikin is a Japanese world leading air conditioning manufacturer but it has a strong connection to Belgium where Daikin has established Daikin Europe, which is their Head Quarter of the whole European, Middle East and Africa region. Next to that, Belgium is also the location of one of the most important Daikin factories that is manufacturing A/C products for many countries including Saudi Arabia. So I was more than willing to assist Daikin to help show Saudi how they can support the Saudi Vision 2030 program, more specifically the energy goals." The Japanese Ambassador, Norihiro Okuda, was an official co-host of the event. Okuda said: "I am very confident they are likely to succeed as well in Saudi to make an impact on the government plans to increase environmental sustainability." Daikin has the strong objective to become the provider number one in energy saving solutions in Saudi Arabia thanks to DAIKIN's technologies and continuous developments. Frans Hoorelbeke, Chairman and Member of the BOD of Daikin Europe, said: "Daikin's commitment for providing the highest efficient solutions is mainly driven to satisfy the increasing market demand for sustainable and green buildings worldwide. This trend has definitely become more and more clear in Saudi Arabia as well. Especially if it is expected that the local energy consumption will increase three fold as indicated in the Saudi vision 2030 program and knowing that A/C demand is one of the major energy consumers in the Kingdom, we feel that it is Daikin's duty to help reduce people's energy consumption with our long history of experience and innovative technologies." In fact Daikin was the first to implement Inverter technology in A/C products. Inverter Technology is known for its high efficiency that can reach up to 50% of electricity savings compared to a similar but non-inverter system and with a higher comfort. The top example of inverter technology is the VRV system. It was invented by Daikin in 1982 and recently launched it's 4th generation, the "VRV 4", to provide optimal cooling for residential and commercial buildings. Also important to mention that Daikin is the first manufacturer of the all new "R32" refrigerant which effectively provides a high cooling efficiency compared to other air conditioners. It is also able to reduce the global warming potential (GWP) by 70% compared to the traditional R410a refrigerant. This R32 development is another highlight of Daikin's Green heart policy. By gathering all these people together from different areas and expertise, the aim is to create even more ideas to contribute to lower energy consumption in the Kingdom.