Groundbreaking Saudi romantic comedy Barakah Yoqabil B arakah premiered yesterday in a theater full of enthusiasts and movie goers, at King Abdullah Economic City (KAEC), 70 kms North of Jeddah. It is the first commercial screening of the film before its theatrical run in Arab neighboring countries. "We are so excited to have our film release in the Arab cinemas beginning of September, but we wanted the first screening to be in the home country," said Jeddah-based Director Mahmoud Sabbagh. Barakah Yo qabil Barakah, which is helmed by first-timer Mahmoud Sabbagh, depicts young Saudis circumventing the social system. It premiered at the 2016 Berlinale in February, where it received critical acclaim and won the Prizes of the Ecumenical Jury. Multipic joint distribution pact between Cairo and Abu Dhabi-based Mad Solutions and Dubai-based Fortress Film Clinic, have acquired the movie's distribution rights in the Arab territories. It has been a busy year for the director and his two stars, Hisham Fageeh and Fatima Al-Banawi, who have been touring international film festivals since February. "It's really just the best opportunity to both visit countries you've wanted to visit and see foreign audiences watch and react to a Saudi film," says Fageeh. The crew's next stop after the Arab releases will be in Canada, for the Toronto International Film Festival (TIFF). For those spending August in Jeddah, the film is currently screening until next Monday at the Baylasun Hotel & Marina in King Abdullah Economic City (KAEC). Tickets on sale via Lammt website