A ministerial committee has been formed to consider how to meet the Kingdom's wheat demands in light of the scarcity of water resources. The study comes amid serious concerns that there isn't enough underground water to keep pace with increased wheat production. The study, which was ordered by the King, will specify and compare the best regions in the Kingdom for growing wheat. It will also evaluate the impact growing wheat has both in terms of groundwater supply and socio-economically. The study is being supervised by the Research and Studies Institute at King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals (KFUPM). The National Agricultural Committee (NAC) is hosting the study team which is headed by Director of the Environment and Water Center Dr. Alaa Bukhari. NAC chairman Eid Ma'arik Al-Ghadeer told Okaz/Saudi Gazette the team's presentation included a review of the countries with the highest production of wheat and discussed a plan to maximize the Kingdom's potential for wheat production. The plan takes into consideration the available resources and a cost and benefits study of wheat production economically and socially. Al-Ghadeer said: “The study will build a mathematical model so as to estimate the water needed for growing wheat in the next 25 years.” __