Prominent Syrian actor Tayem Hassan recently headed to Cairo for a two day visit to hold extensive work sessions with writer Adel Maghribi and scenarist Islam Yousif to finalize details of his new television drama “Al Saqr Shaheen”. During the work sessions, Tayem and the drama makers talked about all the minute details of the drama including the cast, which is currently being selected. Tayem looked over the first completed 15 episodes and will return at the beginning of the New Year to look over the remaining episodes and begin filming the scenes. The production company “King Tut”, which is producing the drama, has signed contracts with a number of Egyptian stars to take part in the drama. Among the confirmed cast are actors Ahmad Rateb, Ahmad Zaher and Tawfiq Abd Al Hameed. Stars for the female roles have been nominated and a final decision is yet to be made by actresses Rania Fareed Shawki and Dina Foad.