Saudi Gazette Water makes up about 60 percent of the human body, about 83 percent of our blood and 70 percent of the brain is composed of water. 71 percent of the earth's surface is also covered with water. We can survive for up to 21 days without food, but cannot make it longer than three days without water, which is why water is life. Unfortunately, water shortages are affecting many regions of the world, including the Middle East. Due to Saudi Arabia's lack of rivers and fresh water sources, useable water is obtained through desalination of salt water, which is leading to environmental pollution besides placing a tremendous economic strain on the country. For those reasons and more, BMG Foundation launched a campaign entitled “Our Water, Our Life” to increase awareness of the importance of conserving water. BMG Foundation has organized a number of events in the Kingdom that aim to educate and support talented youngsters in their sporting, musical and artistic endeavors. The events draw attention to critical environmental issues with water preservation at the height of its priorities. The first ever, Water in Arabia Photography contest, sponsored by BMG Foundation focused on the theme: “Our Water, Our Life”. Entries have been coming in from the past two months, and a total of 400 amateur and professional photographers participated. The contest drew creativity and talents of young adults and children. They captured the message and the spirit of water conservation in a single picture. “Water is not just a natural resource, it is a treasure. We need to increase the society's awareness of easy and effective ways to conserve water. This contest encouraged young Saudi and non-Saudi boys and girls to use their minds and artistic gifts to educate others on the importance of saving water. This contest was a fun and unique way of shedding light on environmental problem that is threatening the Middle East,” said Lulwa Al-Sedairi, an organizer of social responsibility events at BMG Foundation. The winners were announced last week at an awards ceremony at Jeddah Hilton Hotel followed by a grand dinner. Ahmad Al-Shugairi, the popular Islamic scholar and producer of Khawater TV program, attended the ceremony and helped hand out prizes to the winners. Following are a few water conversation tips for your home: n Check faucets and pipes for leaks; a small drip from a faucet can waste 20 gallons of water per day. n Check your toilets for leaks n Install water-saving shower heads and low-flow faucet aerators on the taps of all the sinks in your home. There are plenty of inexpensive and easy tools available in the market to install water restrictors. n Take shorter showers. While a five minute shower uses around 12 to 25 gallons of water, a full tub requires about 70 gallons. n Turn off the water when you brush your teeth and shave your beard. n Use your dishwasher and clothes washer for only full loads. n When washing dishes by hand, don't leave the water running for rinsing. If you have a double-basin, fill one with soapy water and one with rinse water. n Don't run the hose while washing your car. Clean the car using a pail of soapy water. Use the hose only for rinsing - this simple practice can save as much as 150 gallons of water. Use a broom, not a hose, to clean driveways and sidewalks in front of your house. __