The Ministry of Water and Electricity Monday launched a countrywide campaign for saving water. The campaign under the banner “Saudi water savers” aims to create an awareness among citizens of the importance of conserving water for future generations and ways to deal with the challenges of water scarcity. “For the last couple of years, we have developed educational programs to create an awareness of water wastage. With the help of the private sector today, we continue to encourage the population to be consciously aware of ways to use this precious resource,” said Dr. Mohammed Bin Ibraheem Al-Saud, Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Water and Electricity for Planning and Development, at a press conference held in Riyadh. “This is a serious issue that requires every individual to participate and pledge to cut water wastage and save water for a better tomorrow,” he said. According to a recent study, Saudi Arabia is the third highest consumer of water in the world after the US and Canada. The average person in Saudi Arabia consumes 286 liters of water per day. The study has also shown that a large amount of water wastage occurs during the laundry process as it is done on a routine basis. Switching from a top loading washing machine to a front loading automatic washing machine saves 1,000 liters of water per month, the study found out. The ministry, in collaboration with Ariel and LG, has developed a 20-second educational visual ad as well as a website to reach consumers in Saudi Arabia in order to raise awareness of the importance of saving water. “The ‘Saudi Water Savers' website is very easy to use,” said Ahmed Al-Shugairi, the inspiring Saudi media icon of MBC TV and volunteer for the campaign.