RIYADH — On the 41st anniversary of the Bangladesh Independence Day, the dedicated Comrades of Bangabandhu held a meeting in honor of martyrs and freedom fighters on March 29 at the Coco Palm restaurant here. A symbol of appreciation was presented to nine expatriate freedom fighters. Key speaker was Engr. Moyazzem, who was also one of the recipients of the prize as a freedom fighter. Other recipients included Engr. Badiuzzamnan, Salim Buyeah, Golam Mahiuddin, Azizul Haque Chowdhury, Abul Kalam, Abdul Malek and Mijanur Rahman. Chief guest was community leader Salauddin Faruk. The event's entertainment committee was headed by Mahbubur Rahman Kishor. Sayedul Hague conducted the event. Special guests were Dr. Qamarul Islam, Chairman BOD of BIS-ES, Zakir Hossain, Afseruddin Burhan, Azad Kamal from the social organization Amra Kajon, Khademul Islam, Abdur Rahman, Sultan Ahmed, Mannan, Murad. All the speakers spoke and paid homage to the victims and freedom fighters who sacrificed their lives for the country. They said future generations can learn from and will remember the fighters' patriotism and martyrdom forever. "They are all the golden sons of the soil," one speaker said. All the recipients were grateful to the organizational committee for recognizing them even if they were not in their homeland. As senior members of the expatriate community, they requested Bangladeshi expats to respect the law of the host country, saying this holy land has given about two million Bangladeshi nationals an opportunity to work and therefore must be valued.