Muslims in the Muslim society according to Sharia law, the respect of national characteristics, co-existence and national dialogue and unity of each single society.
The conference called on MWL to continue preparations to hold the 2nd conference on (...)
THE Qur'an instructs Muslims to treat non-Muslims courteously in a spirit of kindness and generosity, given they are not hostile toward Muslims.
Allah says: “Allah does not forbid you to deal justly and kindly with those who fought not (...)
ISLAMIC Law protects basic human rights like the preservation of life, property, and honor for Muslims and non-Muslims alike. Whether the non-Muslims are residents or visitors, they are guaranteed these rights. These rights cannot be taken away (...)
ALLAH requires Muslims to be just in all their affairs and to act equitably toward everyone.
Allah says: “And the heaven He has raised it high, and He has set up the Balance. In order that you may not transgress (due) balance. And observe (...)
Muslim citizens living in Muslim lands to be ruled by Islamic Laws. They are exempt from paying the zakah. Under Islamic Law, a Muslim who does not pay the zakah and refuses its being obligatory becomes an unbeliever. Also, Islamic Law requires (...)
VIMUSLIMS protected Christian churches in the lands they occupied from being harmed. In a letter to Simeon, the Archbishop of Rifardashir and leader of all the bishops of Persia, the Nestorian Patriarch Geoff III wrote: “The Arabs, to whom God has (...)
ANOTHER example of how Islam gives regard to human dignity is in the following incident. A famous story illustrates the degree to which the Caliphs of early Islam protected the dignity of non-Muslims. Amr Ibn Al-Aas was the governor of Egypt. (...)