قتل ستة عراقيين وأصيب أكثر من 20 بجروح في هجوم مزدوج بحزام ناسف وسيارة مفخخة استهدفا مصرفا في مدينة تكريت شمال بغداد حسبما أفادت مصادر أمنية وطبية.
وقال مصدر مسؤول من قوات الأمن "انفجرت ظهر اليوم سيارة مفخخة مركونة أمام مصرف الرافدين في وسط (...)
IN the court of public opinion, former US Attorney General Alberto Gonzales' best defense is memory failure. Again.
Throughout US congressional testimony and in responding to various investigations, Gonzales has said he can't remember key events or (...)
The Justice Department laid out its case this past week that Army scientist Bruce Ivins mailed the anthrax powder that killed five people in 2001. Ivins' committed suicide at his home near Fort Detrick, Maryland, which means the evidence gathered by (...)