Tesla Chief Executive Officer Elon Musk said on Friday the Model 3 had over half a million advance reservations as he handed over the first 30 to employee buyers, setting the stage for the biggest test yet of the company's strategy to become a (...)
Millions of subscribers in the MENA region can now measure the quality of their fixed and mobile broadband services, thanks to Procera Networks. The move follows a national regulatory agency in the Middle East deploying Procera Networks' ScoreCard (...)
In this Northern California city where people can buy prayer flags at the dollar store, fresh-baked Afghan bread at corner markets and feast on beef kabobs in "little Kabul's" many restaurants, Afghan-Americans are angry.
Fremont, about 40 miles (...)
Angered by a recent influx of Hispanic workers attracted by jobs at local meatpacking plants, voters in the eastern Nebraska city of Fremont will decide Monday whether to ban hiring or renting property to illegal immigrants, according to AP.
The (...)