WE have followed the principle of "better late than never" as we have launched most of our smart initiatives very late. This unjustifiable delay has brought about heavy economic losses to the Kingdom. This underlines the fact that every delay is not (...)
THE most important condition for any austerity measure is that it should be implemented in a realistic manner and should not be restricted to a particular group of people.
The famous English economist John Keynes had opposed all forms of austerity (...)
SOCIAL media activists have circulated a new government decision that prevents mingling of unrelated men and women in the health sector. The Health Ministry has sent a circular to hospitals, health centers and clinics, instructing separation of male (...)
Special exemptions in a law and its misuse often create doubts about the law and its effectiveness. People would be suspicious about a new law especially after seeing excesses committed as a result of exemptions in a previous law and (...)
The feelings of hatred and enmity among the Shiites and the Sunnis have poisoned the atmosphere of our social life. The two groups mobilize their followers to spread hatred and sectarian violence. We don't see any signs of peacemaking in the horizon (...)