Five Republic Presidents have ruled Egypt during various times, conditions, wars, nationalizations, openness and heading East more than heading West followed by a vice versa situation. President Abdul-Fattah Alsisi is the sixth president who has completed the power hand over protocols as an elected president. This means that he is going to rule as per a constitution and modern systems that have not ever been applied in Egypt's history for a limited period during which the calculations of gains and losses shall be subject to an inventory. However, the challenges are enormous due to that more than half a century has passed during which the Egyptian nation had been enduring massive sacrifices which constitute the reason of its present desire of obtaining the prizes of freedom, democracy and development through a strategic project which considers the priorities of security, economy and updating of all infrastructures. The contemporary world is not deducting the highest percentage of revenues for spending it on armament or systematic propagandas, The contemporary world is rather depending on the nation's and state's ability of responding to the creation of work concept through discipline, performance, learning and training which represent the standards by which other countries with no resources except their human resources managed to achieve success. The population increase itself did not obstruct countries like China, India and Indonesia, in spite of their massive population, from achieving such success as the goo planning applied managed to merge such powers with the comprehensive development movement. In this regard, Egypt enjoys the advantage of the unique location not available for other countries through its overlooking both of Asia, Africa and Mediterranean Sea countries together with its big Arab depth. Thus, If Egypt makes a comprehensive structural change, in regard to performance, among the government and private sectors together with updating the laws for allowing partnerships in all directions; it shall leap many upwards steps in advancement scale provided that work teams chosen are active, impartial and of successful specialization. For the time being, President Alsisi is not requested to create or make a rapid achievement due to that what he has inherited is a burden of ancient complications added to the negative output of the revolution years. However, when it comes to choosing a work team for bearing the burden of the next stage, discovering the defect aspects of the powerless policies and starting the first shift towards specific targets; the president and his nation shall be able to march along the positive direction. Celebrating the inauguration confirms the extent of Egypt's value and its coming role at the local, Arab and external levels. In this regard, the Kingdom together with some GCC countries shall constitute the main support center through establishing an open cooperation and helping the smooth transition for supporting Egypt which constitutes the pillar of security and power in its region. Moreover, the coming critical stage needs no eloquent words but rather a serious work which constitutes the base for the orientation of all parties. Egypt is rich through its men and resources. When Egypt achieves stability; it shall head forwards what is more important and useful. In this regard, the call of Custodian of the two holy mosques for holding an international conference for Egypt's brothers and friends which seeks driving it out of its economic crisis. The said call has been confirmed, as well, by His Highness Crown Prince and Minister of interior's declaration after his arrival to Cairo for attending the occasion. All such efforts represent the full support provided by the Kingdom to Egypt which includes dedication of all capabilities for supporting it financially and morally. We want the Arab solidarity to move out of the promises, words and meetings towards the level of full activation due to that we are within a condition which needs confirming the Arab role in addition to stopping its bleeding and material, political bankruptcy. Egypt, GCC countries and the Kingdom shall create together the start line of such new solidarity that we really need before the vicious declining reality. It is the great mission which put all of us in the same trench.