Riyadh Region Projects follow up Program related to The High Commission for the Development of Riyadh City revealed that more than 3709 projects are being implemented in Riyadh region at the present time which are distributed between Riyadh the capital and the 20 provinces related to it against a cost of SR 430 billion of which 208 projects serve the region in general. The program is working on monitoring and following up the projects of the region for forming a comprehensive vision about the developmental situation through the participation of 65 authorities concerned in the developmental projects of Riyadh Region. The commission has declared yesterday the Program Statistics for the first quarter of the current year 1435 Hijri in which Housing & Public Services Sector has been the biggest with 1132 projects which percentage is 33% of the total projects of the region, followed by Public utilities Sector with 956 projects which percentage is 28% of the total projects, the Educational Services Sector with 604 projects, Transports & Roads Sector with 576 projects, Health Services Sector with 121 projects and, finally, with Economic Development Sector with 75 projects. The program hinted to that the present distribution of the project in Riyadh Region due to the projects conditions revealed that the region had witnessed, during the last year, the accomplishment of 432 projects which percentage is 12.6% against 2595 projects being implemented which percentage is 75%, 103 delayed projects which percentage is 3% and 288 stalled projects which percentage is 8.4%. The program monitored some reasons behind the stumble of some projects implementation or execution represented by the contractors' weak technical and financial capabilities, the lack of lands for the projects or the existence of some procedural obstacles related to issuing the licenses required for implementation / execution.