Debate will not come to an end around Syria after Al-Assad. All indicators are pessimistic because of the possibility of outbreak of national and sectarian wars. The system implanted the principles of national rupture and supported them as it is evident in the first declaration of Kurds who assured their self-reign or autonomy within the central country. Some consider this situation an initiation to create the new country that include Kurds of Syria and Iraq together and then seeking to joining the Kurds places in Turkey. Other opinions talk about the concentration of Al-Assad military force in the upper region and places and saying that it is possible to find a country that can achieve its self-sufficiency within its present possibilities such as the existence of gas, diamond in its mountains and planes. The core of this country remained a dream for Al-Assad family since the French Mandate on Syria but is defeated by 'Alawie' and other sects that rejected partitioning of Syria in addition to the problems of other minorities that inhabit these regions. Although 'Alawie' inhabit almost regions of the north coast, there are 'Alawie' who live in this region in Turkey who may be sympathetic with them and assure the setting up of a country that include in addition to Syrian 'Alawie' the other minority from Turkey and Lebanon. Although geography and demography play an important role in dividing regions, there is a distant point of view that makes us believe according to the complex fact that Turkey will not allow the setting up of two countries, one of them is Kurd that expands from Iran passing through Iraq and Syria until its borders, then 'Alawie' country will join it from the southern border. NATO that attested the division of the Arabian countries according to (Sykes-Picot) agreement has not the desire to divide and rupture one of its allies. There are hopes for the two minority groups since distant times to have two countries for them, but there is nothing in the history or the world record that refers to the setting up of these countries. In Turkey, when Kurds say that they face discrimination in comparison to the Turkish nationality, they are in a situation better than Kurds in other countries. This issue is applied also on 'Alawie' in Turkey who reject claiming that they are Syrian because of what they have such as stable and growing life, equal rights in democratic country makes them distant from inclination to a country that is not present and in a country that is still living instability since the first coup in Syria and until its modern revolution. The West hasn't the old intentions and in case it sees the rupture of the Arabian map to a conflict among minorities and majorities within the tendency or inclination to the independence that serves the interest of Israel within the presence of small entities, the greatest fear stems from the growing of strict Islamic trend that stretches from the Atlantic to Syria that may change the maps of the region and deteriorate the European stability primarily because it is the continent neighboring the Arabian region. We have witnessed the encouragement of Turkish Islamic trend that is democratically moderate and developed to a strict Sunni region or Iranian reign that lives the obsession of empire for the Persian nationalism within a Shiite doctrine. Fears are present but the fact doesn't allow the setting up of small states that create geographical and religious dilemma. All the possibilities and probabilities make this project impossible because of strategic and security obstacles.