The Arabian skies are open and profaned for Israel which chooses what it wants to strike and bombard by itself without consulting its bigger ally due to its certainty that what it is doing is a part of its internal security. Israel had chased the Palestinians in Tunisia where its military aircraft threw the bombs and caused a big massacre, had destroyed the Iraqi "Tammouz" nuclear reactor, had destroyed the other "under-construction" Syrian reactor, Had destroyed Syrian weapons in the Lebanese Bekaa valley and sent its military aircraft for hovering over Al-Assad's palace in Lattakia. All the said actions represented a challenge to others for showing that its arms are able to reach other's necks without facing obstacles. Israel's last action was destructing a factory of arms in Sudan which had been subject to a previous attack on one of its medicine factories by American military aircraft under the justification of that it has been manufacturing internationally illegal materials. However, the said claim couldn't be proved after leading investigations about the nature of the said medicines factory products. Was the factory smuggling ammunition and weapons to Gaza? Had it been built through a support from Iran, in addition to claiming that Sudan is a crossing bridges for the arms transferred from Iran to Gaza? These Israeli claims confirm that Israel is penetrating most of Arab regimes and knows their secrets and what is going on in their corridors. These dangerous strategic gaps clarified that the Arab regimes are fragile before any Israeli choice, whether it is a military operation or exposed secrets. However, the strange thing is that the protests against Israel's outrage of an Arab country have been few and shy! It's true that Al-Basheer is not in a state of harmony with most Arab countries, sympathizes with Iran & Al-Assad's regime & is involved in internal crises in Darfur & the South. However, it is still not logical that Israel assaults an Arab country, regardless of its regime, and we do not find the (Arab) support imposed by the national duty which overpasses the conflicts regardless of its source. Regardless of its objectives, the said factory is a part of Sudan's & its people property. When Israel destroyed it, it had known earlier that the Arab voice shall keep being low through many previous evidences. Gaza has become a shooting training field for Israel's various arms while Arabs, as usual, are silent even in regard to transferring their complaints to Security Council. Israel finds a vital investment among the ever-rising conflicts between Arabs which makes it easy for it to adopt any way for exceeding their borders and assaulting them. The international situation or attitude is not concerned by the Arab-Israeli conflict due to that it has, in fact, finished as the power resolved it. The Arab military and political prestige has become valueless in regard to affecting the international attitude as Israel owns, solely, such military power which is covered by a political and psychological support. Israel is an influential base on various parties including those who used to be friends for the Arabs. The issue is not related to strikes and material or military loses as much as it is related to lack of Arab balance internally and externally which is a criterion by which the present events are measured. On the contrary, if any Israeli soldier, civilian citizen or entity faces any mistreatment; the international voice shall be heard loudly. In spite of that this influence is not fair; it confirms that Israel is the absolute power, in regard to influence, in the whole Arab region.