The Arabian case & its recent history passed through strange phases. All the countries that had been colonized by the Western states showed a national unity through struggling & fighting those countries until they could achieve their independence. The colonial states have been followed by regimes of which some were good & managed to continue while others worked on raising the state of segregation between the components of the nation through targeting the national, sectarian or tribal trends. However, the Arab governments that were ruling their countries after the independence had been careful in regard to such matters development towards separating the components of the nation. Accordingly; they started to establish constitutions, in addition to courts and parties which are subjected to "equality law," including woman rights. Such steps had been applied in Tunisia during the era of Bo Rukeiba, the departed Tunisian president, and encouraged the emergence of the initial steps of democratic countries but the military coops directed such starts towards failure and led each country in which a military regime rose towards disasters. Algeria's revolution against the French colonialism represented an Arab song that extended between the pacific Ocean & the Arabian Gulf & witnessed a complete Arab harmony consisted of children, old men & all men and women about it. It had been classified among the greatest examples of heroism. After years of semi- dictator regimes; elections had been organized where the Islamic trend won. However; the army refused the arrival of such Islamists to the power and led the situation towards a semi-civil war which victims had been tens of thousands of Algerians. Such civil war was about to segregate the components of Algeria. Another case derived from other Arab countries is Lebanon which witnessed a civil war that led to rooting sectarianism in it. Lebanon is still suffering until today from the consequences of that war that led to fragmenting it and making it subject to some Arab and foreign countries which have been interfering in its affairs and are still doing so until today. Iraq has been occupied by the United States and delivered to Iran as a country of partial freedom which is ruled by the sect that intertwines fully with the Iranian regime. Meanwhile, the other national powers have become subject, either by force or by bribes, to the present regime. This reality makes Iraq subject to fragmentation of which one of the potential scenarios may be the independence of the Kurdish province and establishing its own regime and economy. Such steps may be followed & adopted, too, by other Iraqi formations. Some of Arab Spring countries managed in preserving its national unity such as Tunisia & Egypt while Libya witnessed the rise of militias that were about to destroy the present Libyan regime and the unity of Libya. In this regard; Yemen could get out of its crisis through the consensual solution / the compromise, which was led by G. C. C. countries & is still coherent until today. Troubled Syria is facing splits inside the Opposition which reasons are that each party wants to control the other. In spite of the Syrian regime's ferocity; unifying the Opposition components shall settle a lot of the complicated issues such as establishing a temporal government for ruling Syria during Post Al-Assad era & unifying the Free Army which is intending to do so and to establish a sole leadership instead of the various groups and militias that may lead to civil wars in the future. The ideal name for such army shall be "The Syrian National Army." The strange thing about the countries that had been consistent in regard to fighting colonialism is that they are witnessing a fearful case of fragmentation instead of establishing their national unity. The State of Law, for example, has been no more than a name for the state of the one sect and militia. Such case is a crisis of identity and existence.