In spite of the existence of cooperative socities since the early times in the kingdom; the general view about them was negative as, as such activity, in spite of its importance, was considered a part from communist & socialist systems due to that it have been prevailed in foreign and Arab countries that were ruled by such systems, or it might have been a political deterrent with a religious dimension. However, the societies represent a social & service system in which a big sector of trhe citizens participate, in addition to that its objectives are various such as the functional, agricultural, commercial & comsumptive ones which serve the interest of a sector of limited or average income citizens but has no relation with the priciples or other dimesnsions. During the circumstances of the voracious rise of the prices and the trader's full freedom in regard to controling his goods and imposing them on the consumer; the logic is up side down in regard to the humanitaian aspect. The mutual benefit requires justice and equality that neither affect the right of the merchant nor waste the right of the consumer. There should be a reconsideration regarding the consumer cooperative socities due to their massive benefits such as developing and improving the economic and social conditions, serving the limited income people, increasing the employment, training the concerned staff about members election operations and, which is the most important of all, making a comprehensive change in regard to building relationships between tenants of each neighborhood trhat lead to competetions between the various neighborhood or districts later. All the said benefits reprsent one aspect while the other ones is restricting the traders' greed through fixing the prices and selling the goods through prices that provide a reasonable profit percentage. However, our environment is not fully ready for this experiment which is relatively new in our society. A project for constructing a cooperative economy bank which spends the costs of such societies may be the real start for an activity that aims at expanding the social work circle and consolidating the citizenship instead of the current break or rupture which is happening in our big cities between the neighbors or even between the relatives some times. In most of the Arab countries, the experiment have been quite successful by all standards. On the G. C. C. level, Quwait which economic and social system is similar to the Kingdom's one is the first country in leading such activity towards success, while U. A. E. comes in the second position but is marching steadily on the same line and is developing its tools and work for creating a new concept for this activity and for considering it a part from the comprehensive economic development. Like the other ministries, Ministry of Social Affairs is dealing with its work and social role in the same way, which means being slow in organization & implementation as the prevailing mentality has been built on a slow routinic accumulation. Accordingly; in spite of its being the first resonsible entity in regard to the societies of various specializations, we have not realized any qualitative change neitrher in the procedures nor in the development. If there is a new project for the consumer societies, I believe that it should have an independent administration whith which the minitry shall cooperate, provided that it does not fall among its administrative complication circle, especially because the big value and profit resulting from the activities of such societies require an advanced administrative thought that does not revolve around itself like the work ways followed in the other ministries!