The Kingdom's relations with all world countries are expanding regardless of classifying them as friend or foe countries, except for Israel which is in a state of war and traditional hostility with the Arab nation and the Islamic World. However, there were some countries and continents which remained the least in concern, especially in regard to their commercial and economic exchanges with the private sector which is always looking for investment opportunities in any country which circumstances provide security for such exchanges. Middle Asian countries are consisted of Muslim majority and have open fields. However, there was no single conference held between members of their governments and Saudi businessmen. On the contrary; this task had been left to be occupied by Israel, Iran & Turkey. The reality imposes on us to look for the common factors that assist our relations with them according to bases and rules that do not serve the economic aspect only but the social and political relations as well. Chances are still open for any party which is looking for opening the windows towards all directions. Africa is a big mine. It includes South Africa which is classified among the advanced countries in the world. It is a country skillful in mining exploitation which has great industries in various fields. There are countries which are still virgin in every aspect and have become a race field for the great powers. The entry of China in to the African continent that has always been the vital field for Europe & the United States created the obsession of imperial expansion in China due to that its investments fulfilled the requests of most of these African countries in regard to establishing an infrastructure versus exploiting their wealth. It's a pity that this direction is not being concerned about in spite of our financial wealth, the good economic mind of our businessmen & the welcoming of these countries governments and nations due to the Islamic links between us and them. Our impact in the projects of agriculture, industry and other ones is very little. These facts had a negative impact on all of Arab cases and even the Arab countries located in this continent do not have an impact similar to Israel's in the economical, cultural and political aspects. Some Arabs reached the highest level of leadership in some South American countries. We neglected some communities which roots are from our region until they forgot their original homeland or any link with their mother nation and merged culturally and racially with these countries' nations. This failure is not related to the countries from which these groups of people immigrated only but to not interacting seriously with them as every country which interacts with its immigrant citizens and pushes them towards being interactive with it. In spite of that the circumstances help heading towards this continent, which possess the commercial exchanges elements, and entering into a strategic partnership with it; we realize that the northern American countries only are the ones which are enjoying such distinguished relationships. Such relations with the northern countries are requested but diversifying the directions and looking for entities that can take and give impose on us going to them instead of asking them to come to us, in a similar way to all common works methods with the various governments and nations. If Gulf Cooperation Council countries constitute a unified economic power, play an effective role in these continents or geographic masses & adopt being an effective factor in the public opinion through policies that confirm the interests of everyone; our positive action shall not be restricted to a limited field but expanded towards all the dimensions provided by such operations.