Is there a third way that is far from the Marxism concepts and harshness of capitalism to get back the dreams of those that called for this and stood in front of the two waves with rejection at sometimes and coexistence other times? Communism broke apart both as a system and organization, but it is still running conceptually in the academies and the economic and social research centers. Capitalism is in a backwardness situation among the people that used this method because the governments of those countries maintained its direction towards the owners of huge capitals that controlled decision-making and seizing anything that influences the public view of media and researches that are linked to the gaps between the individuals of a united society, and using freedom to reduce taxes and opening the doors for them as well as making the legislations serve them. Those are common ways that underwent analysis and warning of what is coming ahead, but its existence as a power didn't shake except after the revealed corruption explosion and the lack of deterring laws. The Dollar country and the EURO countries are drowning in spiky cases, and the path is no longer easy when the competition started to enter the street announcing its objection in unprecedented way. Due to this came those that search for a way to take capitalism out of its new reality. The democratic communists that are not ideologues are the ones that first opened the books of Marx and Angels and those that followed them of the reality communism philosophers in front of the embarrassment that the free-economy countries are going through. The demand is even, as a lot of financial analysts indicated, to go back to reading the communism books, which is out within the interests of the public wave that gave to following this concepts a hope to go back to Marxism or mixing the two concepts in a historical reformation that goes towards publishing a methodology that matches the emergence of a school that goes with a third path, but is it possible that the guardians of capitalism would waive for such a solution? The case is not available for an amendment of laws and constitutions as long as who is dominating doesn't want to fall in the trap of change unless if a courageous government is found that consider the demands of the public under a pressure by providing it to a public voting, and the voting is done according to a new system. Nevertheless, the process of reforming an international economic system with firm roots is not easy, and even with the flexibility of legislations and the acceptance of changes in a capitalist world but the obstacles are huge, but with the presence of unbalanced situation and the progressive losses with the lack of solutions, this solution may come as an emergency, and this is what refreshes the hopes of the people that call for new systems or working on creating a path that considers the current situation. The people that underwent communism experienced all inhuman ways. The laws and legislations also didn't protect the citizens of capitalist countries from the diverse classes that ignored some classes of the citizens and multiplied the responsibilities that they failed to fulfill, and it is natural that the fault in the balance of justice and not distributing the income according to regulations that don't forbid the lower classes from their lawful right. Finding ways to stop the harshness of capitalism will lead to ends that will be a group of reactions that might go out as a group oppressive motive, and perhaps France is an indication of the return of communists to winning with majority in the Senate. The communists groups in countries such as Italy, Greece, Spain and others may enter the same competition also and rise because of the financial crises and the progressive protests on the abstention that no body pays its costs other than the poor people.