The educated people and politicians got confused and examined the public movement and the examiners of words in the Arab and international investigation and inspection authorities, how did the Arab revolutions shock them without any alert, and how some claimed that he wrote an article or indicated a story about anticipating the events, so that he put his self in the position of the specific examiner or the explorer of what is happening, and even the fortune readers didn't reach to such conclusion? The external powers are dealing with its embassies, or its eyes that it implants in the sensitive sites and accordingly the views are created, as well as the policies and strategies, and it might succeed the same way it happened in dividing the Soviet Union and shocked by a position that the anticipations of the other country didn't reach to. Internally, intellects, politicians, journalists and Autocratic classes deal with the social elites, considering them the influential tools of the public view, and it is a sharp limitation that weakened the ability of these classes to measure the social development of the lower classes that are surrounded with poverty, illiteracy and the burdens of all the situations, which transformed into the engine of revolutions with explosions that were not experienced by the Arab street in its old and modern history, and even the authority tools considered that costumers of cafes and the lower-class labor of those cleaning the streets or those ignored that cant get their daily income except by hard working will not have any influence. Everyone assuredly announced an Arab society that has no motivation to live free, or accept the inevitable change, and it is a controversial issue because of the farness of the citizens concerns who is living under the roof of poverty, and whose being used by robbers and lawbreakers by making him a crime tool as an expression of his anger on the society with all of its classes, and even when the Marxism bet on the shabby proletariat to be the front of the revolution, it judged with bourgeois classes that don't belong to groups. The social oppression that defined revolution laws in the world didn't reflect on social reformation cases by developing the circumstances of those ignored in cities and villages, but rather as the saying says that the ideas are created by rabbits and used by lions. I am afraid that the Arab situation in these revolutions is living a total isolation from those living below poverty line, and the experiences and facts are a lot and are not linked to a specific society, and the Arab situation in these countries is frustrating if the chaos and work standoff in establishment continued unless by raising the incomes and finding a total social care for the poor people, which can't be achieved in the current circumstances. What is happening of historical defense for long period of times of the violations that put the citizen outside his spectrum to be a productive member, and perhaps putting an effort without analyzing the different circumstances that led to the explosion, and internal and external elements tried to claim that huge money were paid by the European countries and America to widen the democratic circle in the Arab nation, is the base in changing the current events, and if this was true then all continents have governments that don't consider that national requests, and why didn't this change happen for China as a nondemocratic country or the other countries such as North Korea, Cuba and others. The lamps are not lighted from west, and the sun rises from east, and the paths are long but they are between darkness and clear vision, and the Arab test will be the long-going optimism and pessimism conflicts.