In a hot competition between the citizens and the military in Syria in Yemen, the killing was only a goal for the government, and the unjustified ultimate submission to the authority is not strange, but that phenomenon reoccurred only with the ally armies of Warslow that kept oppressing any protesting or call for freedom and democracy, and it seems that what is going on from the Yemeni and Syrian militaries is the same eastern military doctrine. Tunisia survived the same scenario, and the same applies for Egypt when the option of the army was to stand with the national resistance, and the strangeness comes in the position of the Syrian and Yemeni armies, which are built on a doctrine that is different than that of the rest of the world's armies. The confusion is not only in blindly standing with the authority, but also in making the citizen to not trust their intentions when they disrespect the sacred coexistence. Let go with the saying that the Syrian army is sect based, and that the privileges that were massively given to Generals and other leaders are the reason of this bias to the authority, and when if vanished, those icons will be chased for lawsuit and trials because their records in supporting the ruling is justified by the coexistence of interests and presence, then violence. We can't put the power of the President in Yemen in a tribal or sect context, where it is a product of long years in guaranteeing the loyalty to the president, as if it is a secret sect organizations, and despite that, maybe the return of the president will resolve the complexity because continuing the killing threatens of a civil war that might cost Yemen a lot, and the indications talk about upcoming dangers if none of the conflicting sides stopped confronting in reality and creating job opportunities that protect the national unity. Syria is afraid that the peaceful revolution changes into an armed one, and it gives the surround countries of Syria the reason to protect the citizens against the violence, and there are some that publicly accuse Hezb Allah and Iran of supporting Al Asad, and that those who are practice killing, calls and weapon smuggling are these sources, but the hold back of the international interference, like what happened in Libya, pushed the authority to practice violence and ignoring the boycott and blockade, but as a time bet that Syria's economic abilities in specific can't withstand what enhances the vanish of the authority that attempted to mislead the citizens and the world by proposing reformations that start with discussions with the opposition, which it rejected because it understood that the attempts is just a way around the anger situation, then punishing the opposition with the same ways it used all through Al Asad family's ruling time. Would the Syrian failure push the Yemeni president to accepting the proposed solutions whether from the inside or the Gulf initiative, or would he insist on his requests where the crisis situations come back to a more developed and violent path? Yemen didn't get exposed to international or Arab boycott, but it is not any better in the implications of the economic situation when it started emptying the materials and goods storages, and the burden becomes big on the citizens, and perhaps covering behind supporting wherever their power is, cant solve the position in front of an majority that is growing a general feeling of insisting on their requests. The likeness of the positions in both countries is that no matter the strength of the army's control, dramatic changes are valid, whether in the form of revolt and escaping it, or preparing for a situation that will have a lot of assassinations and coups, which are one of the options that a lot of analyzers see as a part of the coming scenario.