What is after the events of Israel's embassy in Cairo? The American viewpoint was structured in the attempt of cooling down and analyzing the causes, and this time it knows that what happened is a public behavior that originates from cumulating anger in which the diplomacy of the great country, and what it considers to be its care and efforts, failed to reveal the Israeli mystery. The opposition is always for any idea that acknowledges the Palestinian right, and America ignored the feelings of more than a trillion Arabs and Muslims, considering that if the case get old it will be absent from the minds of the huge groups of those showing sympathy to the Palestinian case, which is opposite to this view. Israel sees it as a massive earthquake, because what it build of dreams to sign a peace agreement with the biggest Arab country will be a path that leads to the flow of absolute submission with out any terms from the Arab countries, but it ignored the public emotions storage that are able to blow up, where it messed around in Lebanon and Palestine, and it convinced the world that each procedure against it, if not Semitism, then it is an Arab or Islam terrorism, and it forgot that the rights don't die with time or power, and it remained believing that the Egyptian society is not Arabic, and that it is a victim of an invasion by the Arabian Peninsula Bedouins, but it doesn't forget the legend that says that Israel's country is from Nile to Euphrates. The killing of the Egyptian General and soldiers came to provoke the calm fire, where the Arabic Egyptian people that were going through a restructuring of everything internally didn't forget the enmity to Israel that was a part of their crisis, where even Sina that is freed is still disrupted, and working on building it is stopped, which made the new awareness of the growing generation enforces its will, which called for changing the relationship form with Israel and revising the whole peace agreement. The Arab revolutions renewed the spirit of the public position that Israel remains the first example of enmity with its existence as an entity that was implanted by international conspiracy and European-American support, and the presence of the emotions of the Egyptian model will be renewed in all the Arab Nation, and Israel's current situation is becoming more concerning and tensed, where it entered with an argument with a big Islamic ally that rejected the contempt that Israel practiced with Turkey, and so boycott happened, canceling all military agreements and taking a path that increased to the extinct of crisis. America tried to patch up the situation, but it forgot that the one that embarrassed it with its friends and allies is the friend that violated all concepts and international laws. It is proved that Israel's presence in the region, even if it reached to distinguish it self with the compelling power, is in front of a growing opposition feelings of more than one trillion Muslims, and that dignity is above the diplomatic tricks, and it may revise, if it wanted reality by its policy management, that its presence is not threatened by the wars and weapons only but also by the history cycle and the growth of the unprecedented Arab awareness. The rejection and contempt concepts of all what is proposed of overcoming the Israeli distinction was rejected, forgetting that what happened in the region of wars, revolts, extremism and then the explosion of the revolutions in front of the authorities that submitted to Israel's power confirms that Israel is the core of the crisis, and its war with the Arab citizens will not allow it or its allies to defeat this will.