In a well-known event "Stalin", the famous Soviet leader, has been told that the pope launched an unprecedented attack on him. Stalin then replied "how many tanks has the Pope in possession to fight me?". This is synonymous to Hassan Nasr Allah, who is completely dependent on Iran, saying, "if Syria should be divided, so will Saudi Arabia". We are against disintegration of any Arab country, but we could not understand what Nasr Allah implies. His is dreaming of establishing regimes and bring down others. We do not know which methods he will use to free States and tearing others apart, on his way to free the Golan heights and Jerusalem, while adding a popular uprising in Bahrain, dividing Saudi Arabia and other countries which do not fall in his line to his list. He managed to deceive Arab people when his party fought Israel in southern Lebanon dependent on the Iranian arms and funds, but was unable to be shooting a single bullet when Israel hunted and killed his leaders in broad daylight. He is denouncing the attacks on the Syrian government and failed to see those who were killed, including children. We did not hear him speaking independently of Iran and its massacres against protesters there, nor how ethnic minorities that form up a big portion of the Iranian society such Kurds, Arabs, Azeri's, and Baluch are isolated, or how Sunni Muslims are deprived from building mosques in Tehran, and how the Ahwaz identity is cleansed? So we say " how many aircraft, missiles and tanks Nasr Allah has in possession to violate the security of Egypt and the Gulf, is he aware of his capacity as where he stands and blends with the rest of the Lebanese? or are they Hezbollah while others are the party of the devil? We were pleased with Hezbollah, which stood against Israel, and considered it a candle that lit the Arab darkness, its intervention in others affairs and its classification to fit with the sect ideology with no regard to national concepts have changed this image. Has Nasr Allah heard or read about the American and Israeli reports, which is met with Iranian silence, that an Israeli ships docked in Iranian ports beside the ongoing trade and cooperation in various fields. What does he think of the incident, which has been confirmed by foreign sources yet contradicted by Iran?. Would such a country which call for the liberation of Jerusalem be sincere or using these logos to fool others? We are not against any sect or faction which takes into account the virtue of Islam and abide by its rules. We are, however, against those who seek to create chaos and division of people according to denominations and sects that would mean spreading chaos everywhere. Popular demonstrations similar to that in other Arab countries and Iran took place in Syria. This is an internal affair decided by those who have the truth and capable of imposing it, otherwise, results are born from inception.