Much has been said about how Arab uprisings exploded without warning. The domestic concerns overshadowed the main Arab issues with obvious disappearance of slogans on Israel or USA. A new generation approach to free themselves first before paying attention to different issues. Last Friday's demonstrations in several Arab countries were revolutionary and stable; they remind us that the Palestinian issue is not forgotten. Despite the fact that the majority of those participated in the demonstration did not witness the catastrophe or the subsequent results. The course of events represent a warning to the United States and Israel, from a generation adopting new ideas and vision, over the careless way they are handling the peace process in the presence of the weak proposals of the Arab governments. The new awareness presented new requirements that reject political defeat, unfulfilled promises, test balloons and counting on time to change beliefs. The conviction is that Israel, with or without peace, remains threat to the Arab region, a situation that generates a new method accepting only solutions based on rights rather than slogans of promises. They are not concerned with a situation they did not create or took part in regarding the pro Israeli coalition forces, nor care about other silent countries who claim that the Arab region is going through critical times. This situation indicates that it is an Arab cause, which will be supported by the Islamic world. This scares those who dealt with us carelessly and sometimes in a humiliating manner. The Palestinian issue remains the centre of the Arab support. The "Arab people league", not the league of the Arab States, is the leading force of the Arab solidarity. The presence of the genuine undefeated people gave us hope for a new and different reality in which the past will be rejected and promise a new Arab revival for a new phase. Israel and the USA with now come face to face with the Arab people rather than the use to be Arab governments including those who gave concessions and suppressed the Arab world in the equation of power including its supreme goals. Course of events does not represent in any way hostility to other countries, but rather show the way how unambiguous dialogue should be addressed and not just a take over from one American president or Israeli government to the next. The West is fully aware that the way it has exploited the subdued Arab governments will back fire on them. The fully aware new generation is not subject to bargaining, while Israel is aware of the massive confrontation with a united nation long assumed dead as a result of military offences and the influence of Israel worldwide. America, on the other hand, realizes that its interests is restrained by a popular will rather than governmental one and that the assumed dead Israel's frontline States will put an end to Tel Aviv superiority because the will to freedom is stronger than any myth.