Kuwait's persistent interest to succeed in the concept of a special multiple paper and electronic means council to develop the performance of the media in the Arab world, which was represented by the Arabs Forum held its second meeting last Friday. The meeting is distinctive for significance, whether related to the quality of leading or the multiplicity of Arab representation in the membership. This interest records a huge plus for Kuwait's interest in much of the positives of development. The problem is that, many of us in the Arab world imported from the glitter of Western society the causes of the development or capabilities of support of that development, including the so-called democracy and of what is known as media objectivity and rich of freedom, but it is extremely difficult to expect instant superiority before going through qualifying period similar to Britain or France for instance. We want democracy, but we want to build the social awareness to accommodate for this rehabilitation. If we observe the Arab world we will notice that countries claiming democracy are in fact the more protected by military to the extent that some prevent any objections or merely questioning against any violations. Some newspapers and authors young and old, exercise hostility against societies proved superior. My objective, which is not included in the official agenda, is to see this meeting which is full of patriotic Arab competencies, capable of creating a successful media, be able to create an objective national behavior in the paper and electronic media. The author or the chief editor should not be seeking a position and a gain but rather a professional conduct that helps other streams of developments. The forum is not capable of achieving both social and media missions, but we strive to create a mutual development responsibility through which we achieve comprehensive development.