Kuwait is not new to culture; neither is new in terms of media primacy. It also had difficult experiences with the different social influences on one hand, and the different international or regional influences on the other. On the Gulf level, it was the first to establish the aware press. It was also to first to have presence in the distinctiveness of the successful economic trades. When it comes to us here, we the brothers, honestly, and with every Kuwaiti existence, it gives us an example of the importance of the mutual media presence and the social overlapping, as well as the alliance of the economic interests. The other formalities that represent the different aspects of the country is natural for any Gulf country that won't undervalue itself if got out of the solitude status into the reality of the mutual presence of a Gulf community based on united purposes and converging views, not to mention the economical precedence. Once based on integrity, Media in any present community is an indication of heading towards a comprehensive social rightness. Europe renounced the religions division since about more than one hundred years, and America overcame discrimination between blacks and whites, and between the European founders and the displaced Asians or South Americana. When would our Gulf world realize such facts as the Shiite is a national as the Sunni, the same thing to be said in regard to the Sons of Ismailia who have been in their geographical areas for hundreds of years? Why cannot they be integrated within one social structure so that the Gulf people can go in line with the European progression before others? Why opportunities are given to the desires of aggression and division? The Chinese media, for example, grows in one day multiple times than the Arab's in ten years; it is a tool for moving and correcting more than one billion and two hundred million citizen. Why do some of our medias seem to be more of a private property, while others riot for a party clapping from afar? There are, however, some good groups which we hope they will succeed in imposing brotherhood and fellowships more than any other mutual work. We welcome Kuwait through its media, and through yesterday's conference afternoon, and today's conference, and in between the elegant meeting in terms of the dialogue and the hosting in the house of HE the Kuwaiti Ambassador. Those who know the details of the relations realize that the connections with Kuwait are old and historical, as in the book of the immigration of Alzulfi family to Kuwait under motives similar to those whom migrated from Qaseem to the north. You will be so surprised of the overlapping between the Nabataea poetry in Kuwait and that in Najd as appears in humor poems in the book Almustatref Alnabati for Mr. Ibrahim Alkhaldi. The overlap in the population is an old historical truth, which also appears in the accurate similarity between lots of traditions. We would finally remind that Kuwait was the first to embrace the appearance of the Kuwaiti drama that used to dominate the screens in most of the Gulf cities. I hope that today and yesterday's meetings, as expressed by my colleagues, with their meaningful ambitions towards repeating and developing the dialogue with more comprehensive Gulf participations would really be some of the Gulf Press Union objectives.