The Specialized Criminal Court in Riyadh sentenced a Saudi national to 20 years in prison on Monday, after being found guilty of embracing the takfiri ideology and rejecting the legitimacy of the Saudi government, leaders and security personnel. The man was also found guilty of defaming scholars, expressing disloyalty to leaders of the Kingdom and supporting Daesh and its criminal actions inside the Kingdom and abroad. The charges against the man also included meeting and communicating with members of the group and trying to cover up some of them and hide their weapons. The defendant was charged with attempt to travel to Syria to join the group and for trying to travel to Yemen to join the Al-Qaeda group and developing and disseminating materials that disrupt public order. The 20-year prison term begins from the date of his arrest. Seven of the 20 years are for offenses under the royal decree, three under Article 7 of the anti-cybercrime law, five under Article 15 of the explosives law, and two under Article 16 of the money laundering legislation. He has also been banned from traveling outside the Kingdom for 20 years after his release from prison.