The Yemeni government has confirmed the direct involvement of "Hezbollah" in the ongoing war between the legitimate government and the coup rebels of Houthi militia and the forces of the ousted Saleh. In a statement to Yemen News Agency (SABA), the Yemeni government's official spokesman Rajeh Badi said "The government has a number of documents and physical evidence showing the extent of the involvement of individuals belonging to Hezbollah in the war being waged by Houthi militia against the Yemeni people," He added "Hezbollah and its members are involving in multiple tasks of which they carry out in Yemen at different levels. It was not limited to moral support announced officially but to exceed the actual participation on the ground through training the members of Houthi militia's coup rebels on fighting and presence on the battlefield on the border with the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and how to plan battles and operation of infiltration and sabotage operations inside Saudi territory," Moreover, the official spokesman of Yemeni government stressed that through such documented evidence, Hezbollah can't deny its role in the devastation in which it participates, whether by obvious moral or logistical support, and that it is one of those agencies that are directly responsible for the prolongation of the war, and bring ruin to Yemen, people and its capabilities in clear violation of UN resolution No. 2216 and an blatant challenge to the will of the international community. Badi also pointed out that Hezbollah's interference in this way is a blatant interference in the affairs of an independent state, and that its hostilities toward legitimacy and the Arab coalition forces would exacerbate the crisis and help legitimacy-defectors to continue in their aggression against Yemenis. He announced Yemeni government's intention to provide a full file to the UN Security Council and the Arab League to prove Hezbollah's interventions and practices of terrorism in Yemen, calling on to take international legal action against it.