The status of Islam is “above the sun." It is a thousand times more decent than Judaism, as the Quran does not contain calls for genocide and stories about harlots like the Torah does, for example. I never imagined I would have to one day defend one monotheistic religion, or attack another. But every day, I encounter campaigns by the Likudnik American cabal of evil against Islam, and I refuse to remain silent. I hope that the reader will excuse me. The topic is covered by hundreds of pages of material that have been gathered for me in the past few weeks. For this reason, I will limit myself to no more than titles, as the topic indeed requires a book or even an encyclopedia to cover it. Consider this statement: “U.S. officials' denials of Islam's role in terrorism might be humorous if they were not so frightening." Who is saying this? None other than Daniel Pipes, one of the advocates of the Iraq war that killed one million Muslims. Pipes is purposefully unaware of a single one of those casualties, and chooses instead to shed light on 16 (radical Islamic) terror attacks, which probably killed no more than twenty people. In other words, this impudent Likudnik has turned a blind eye to a million martyrs, to speak about 20 or 30 casualties killed by individual terrorists or terror groups. Islam has no role in terrorism, while Israel is a terrorist state and the root cause of all terrorism that has plagued us, including al-Qaeda. Indeed, were it not for Israel's terrorism, no terrorism in response would have emerged. The Israel gang is also criticizing President Obama's “failed wager" on the Muslim Brotherhood, which the gang is saying is not moderate, citing the relationship between President Mohamed Morsi and Hamas. Well, Hamas would not have come to exist were it not for Israel's terrorism. Meanwhile, Mohamed Morsi is a religious, pious man, and is as far as humanly possible from terrorism. The cabal of evil also asked whether the new pope would challenge Islam's persecution of Christians. But individual incidents have nothing to do with Islam. Meanwhile, Israel persecutes both Christian and Muslim Palestinians, and the Federation of Christian Churches in Jerusalem issues regular reports jointly with Dar al-Fatwa on Israeli crimes, and proclaims that they are one hand with the Muslims against Israel. I read another question they asked, namely, will Obama confront Mahmoud Abbas over rising Palestinian terrorism? Well, I say that Palestinian activity is resistance, while Israel's destruction of Palestinian property, forcible displacement of the natives, and killing of Palestinians amounts to terrorism. The Israel gang is insolent towards Muslims and all people. Since Hugo Chavez was a supporter of Arabs who was hostile to Israel, his death was a chance for them to claim that his rule was a combination of evil and violence. But this applies more to Israel and its regime, than to Chavez, whose funeral was attended by huge swaths of the Venezuelan people – the real judge of Chavez's conduct and not one criminal Likudnik gang. The latter is even accusing Obama of having turned the United States into Venezuela, when the truth is that they want to turn it into a cash cow that Israel can steal from every day. Returning to the cabal/gang's campaigns on Islam and Muslims, I read in two Likudnik publications, The Weekly Standard and Commentary, that the Palestinian child whose father we saw holding his corpse and crying, was killed by Hamas bullets and not Israel, as a UN report established. Let's say Israel is innocent of the blood of this child. But there are other victims, for instance, the six children from the same family who were killed in the recent Israeli assault on Gaza. Likewise, 1,500 Palestinian minors have been killed since September 29, 2000, and the UN confirms that they were killed at the hands of the occupation's war criminals. Another case in point is Rachel Corrie, the American peace activist, whose soft body was crushed by an Israeli bulldozer while trying to protect Palestinians from the killings in Gaza. I have in front of me a statement by her father which is better than any other explanation, titled: Ten years on, I want answers for my daughter Rachel Corrie. Well, one answer may be: An Israeli soldier was driving the bulldozer that killed her. The examples above are but one drop in the ocean. Since I want to do the topic justice, I will continue with it tomorrow. [email protected]