The far-right alliance in Israel put together to contend in the next Knesset elections in January 2013 means that Israel may soon be ruled by two gangs of organized crime that are on par with the drug cartels in Mexico, or the mafia in Naples. Nay, it is possible that the alliance between Likud and Yisrael Beiteinu is even more dangerous, because it has the ability to inflict death and carnage beyond what a drug-dealing gang or a racket can perpetrate. To be sure, Israel has a military force that kills innocent people every day. Does the reader want to hear an example of how far Israeli politics has fallen into the hands of extremists, even beyond the alliance between the two terrorists Benjamin Netanyahu and Avigdor Lieberman? Yair Lapid, a well-known Israeli journalist and writer, founded a new party called Yesh Atid (Hebrew for There is a Future), to confront the ruling gang, and caution against the danger of failing to reach a settlement with the Palestinians. But what is Lapid's policy? Well, he promised to return to the negotiating table, but praised the settlers as patriots and said that the settlements of Maale Adumim, the Etzion Bloc, and Jerusalem would remain under Israeli sovereignty. So in other words, he left nothing to negotiate over. A few days ago, the terrorist imposters Benjamin Netanyahu and Ehud Barak were in Europe. The prime minister visited Paris while the defense minister visited London, and both men ended up inciting action against Iran and its inexistent nuclear weapons program, while turning a blind eye to the nuclear arsenal in the possession of their neo-Nazi occupation state. Meanwhile, the brothel bouncer Avigdor Lieberman threatened to abolish the Palestinian Authority, as though he was the one to establish it, when he and the government he belongs to are entirely illegitimate. Here, I hope that Netanyahu will pay the price for supporting Mitt Romney during Obama's second term. Netanyahu had the gall to say that the Arab countries would benefit from and welcome an Israeli strike against the nuclear program in Iran. But U.S. military commanders, and not I, have warned Israel that any attack it may carry out on Iran may put the supply lines of the U.S. forces in the Gulf under risk, as well as the bases used by the American forces to prevent Iran from acquiring a nuclear weapon. The Iranian regime is Islamic in public and Persian nationalist-colonialist in secret, and has ambitions that go beyond its borders and threaten the countries of the region. This regime also commands a fifth column in some Arab countries, threatening their security and their future. No one can defend this regime, yet it becomes the equivalent of Switzerland in neutrality and peacefulness when compared with Israel. In fact, the only thing that Mahmoud Ahmadinejad can say and which would be accepted by his Arab neighbors is: at least I'm not Netanyahu. Everyone in the Israeli government is like Netanyahu. Some are thinking about starting political parties to run in the elections. But the cabinet members and those around him carry different names if only so that their wives can tell them apart. Proceeding from this, the spokesman for the Israeli foreign ministry Yigal Palmor said that the visit by the Emir of Qatar, Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa, to the Gaza Strip means that he supports terrorism. But it is Israel that is the world's only remaining terrorist country, and every member of the government is a descendant of a long line of terrorists; this is while the people of Gaza are nothing more than freedom fighters. The terrorists are those who robbed a country from its native people, and continue to steal, murder and destroy every day. When they don't find targets any more, they bomb Sudan, or assassinate people in Europe and the Gulf, or pilfer U.S. taxpayers' money. Three quick stories: - An Israeli poll has showed that the majority of Israelis support apartheid policies against the Palestinians. - The major Protestant churches in America have angered Jewish groups to the extent that the latter canceled a meeting between the two sides because the churches sent a letter to Congress asking for military aid to Israel to be reconsidered. They are now taking revenge against the local Christian churches and trying to impose taxes on them that the Muslim Arabs and Ottomans had exempted them from, forcing some churches to sell their endowments to the Jews. - Dov Weisglass, a former adviser to Ehud Olmert, said that the aim of the blockade on Gaza was to impose a 'diet' on its people, but not to starve them to death. Israel is living on borrowed time, and will pay the price in the form of a terrorist attack using weapons of mass destruction, if it fails to reach a reasonable peace (it can never be a fair one) with the Palestinians.