“Time for the UN to Retract Terror Approval” If I had not read such a headline in a pro-Likud publication, I would have said that it was talking about the need to withdraw recognition of Israel for its terrorist acts against Palestinians, and killing of women and children, along with the accompanying destruction and occupation. However, it was from the pro-Likud magazine Commentary, which wants the UN to abolish a resolution issued by the UN Human Rights Commission on 15 April 2002, declaring “the legitimacy of the struggle of peoples for independence, territorial integrity, national unity and liberation from colonial and foreign domination and foreign occupation by all available means, including armed struggle.” The resolution was issued in the wake of the Jenin massacre, and there is still a dispute over how many people were killed in that incident. The figures range from 50 to 500. The former number is, naturally, provided by the Israelis, and the higher number by the Palestinians. UN personnel put the figure at around 200. This coincided with a move by the UN Committee to End Racial Discrimination, which issued a resolution asking Israel to take prompt measures to stop the policy of Apartheid and practices that "severely affect" the Palestinians in the occupied territories. It is a new decision, so perhaps the Likudniks will ask that it be canceled ten years from now. Israel is a fascist, racist state that was established in Palestine based on fables from the Torah; there is no evidence in our countries to back such claims. For me, none of the Jewish prophets was in Palestine, and I ask Muslim scholars to separate the prophets of the Quran from those of the Torah, because the latter are fables, while our prophets are real. What we have at the Haram al-Sharif is the Al-Aqsa Mosque, and we know decisively who built it and when. We also have the Dome of the Rock – both sites are Islamic landmarks that are illuminated by history, just like divine inspiration. As for the fables of the Torah, they were written 500 to 1,000 years after the events supposedly took place. It would be as if readers and I were relying on what my grandfather and his grandfather said about the Crusades, and these are 800 years old, not 1,000. I would not have become involved in a religious debate if the pro-Israel gang had never ceased to promote the "right" of the Jews to Palestine. The reality is that the Khazars of the Caucasus converted to Judaism after they were caught between the Muslims and the Christians; they emigrated to eastern, and then central Europe and then came here, with European and American support, after the Nazi Holocaust. These Ashkhenazi Jews were the ones who established Israel, while the history of eastern (Sephardic) Jews in our countries is well-known. They were tribes and clans, but they never established a kingdom in any country. Is it logical that the successive governments of Israel since 1948, i.e. for the past 64 years, found no trace of these ancient Jewish kingdoms? There must be some remains, such as old cemeteries or synagogues, but there are definitively no palaces or citadels, or antiquities that can be attributed to a king or kingdom. Personally, I accept a state of Palestine on only 22 percent of the country's territory. I do not want a war, and I do not want to kill anyone. All I am talking about is the falsification of history; there are books written by Israeli and Jewish professors and archaeologists, and others, saying what I am saying here. But I have been cursed with having a people who does not read. Moving from ancient history and lies about God and his worshippers to modern history, I read the headline "How do we define pro-Israel?" in the same magazine, Commentary. The article denies the existence of the "Israel First" group of traitorous Americans who want America's young people to die in wars for Israel. I define pro-Israelis as American Likudniks from the same pro-Israel lobby and others, who put Israel's interests before those of America's. They pay money to buy members of Congress, who have sold themselves to the Israeli devil. Everyone who supports Israel supports occupation, terror, murder, destruction and the expulsion of Palestinians from their homes, is an accomplice to such crimes. The Palestinians are supported by the Reverend Desmond Tutu from South Africa, and Israel is supported by the American talk show host Rush Limbaugh, who recently differed with a Georgetown University law student and called her a "slut" and a "prostitute." He asked her to post her sexual encounters on the internet, so that he could watch. Limbaugh continues to apologize for his vulgarities, but other supporters of Israel are not apologizing.