If an Arab is asked which is worse, a “national” Arab dictatorship or the “democracy” of a racist Israeli occupation, he would merely equal between the victims and the corpses that have no nationalities, although some dictatorships surpass the Israeli tendency to crush the humanity of the Palestinians under the pretext of protecting the democracy of the first from the “extremism” of the second. There are some Arab “nationalists” among the protectors of the republics of death and terror - that are only sustained through an eternal mobilization which eradicates the foreign “conspiracy” by feeding it the corpses of the “rebels” seeking the end of the era of the “mute”. To them, it is fine for the sacrifices to be the bearers of medals, considering that medals are a sign of distinction, even if through holes in the bodies or the mutilation of the corpses of those who chose to disobey the “hero.” Zainab earned a medal. Only the callers for democracy who intervened after a period of reluctance to support the Arab Spring, equality and freedoms, are among the first to differentiate between the corpse of a Libyan killed by a sniper from Gaddafi's brigades, and that of a Palestinian whose only sin is that he is governed by Hamas, and was thus hunted down by the aircrafts of the racist democracy which is guarded by the enemies of Arab “savagery”! President Barack Obama, who received Mustafa Abdul Jalil at the United Nations as a hero and proclaimed the partnership of freedom with the new and liberated Libya from the tyranny of the Colonel, that same Obama mobilized the American diplomacy to pressure and maybe even threaten some member states in the international organization, against siding with the Palestinian dream. Palestine's membership still requires “dialogue” with the Israeli that only deserves – in the opinion of the “heroes” of the air campaign against Gaddafi's regime, i.e. Obama, Sarkozy and Cameron – additional years of talks under its own conditions, which are sustaining the humiliation of the Palestinian generations. Those “heroes” in the West, who earned praise from Abdul Jalil for having rid the Libyans of decades of tyranny, raised the banner of partnership with the states of the Arab Spring. But once Palestine's membership at the United Nations landed before the victors, the Spring revealed the old and renewed moral scandal of Western democracy. Obama, Sarkozy and Cameron never disclose the suffering when it is with the victims in Libya or with the executioner in Palestine. So what equality is there between human beings, even between the corpses?! And while there is talk about the fact that the flaw resides in the oil which is neither present in Palestine nor in Syria, the fact is that those collaborating on the streets against their executioners are not searching for angels at the United Nations or among the leaders of the internationalization of human rights. It is clear at this level that the domestic arena's call for international protection might be a weapon aiming at containing the authority's oppression, in the hope it would decrease the number of its victims and grant the revolution additional momentum that would terrify the apparatuses. As for Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan who is aspiring for a Turkish-Arab future following the spring, he might reap more popularity in the ranks of the Syrian uprising by ringing the alarm bell to warn the regime about the Turkish-American plan. However, what he has not yet answered is the question related to the following day, in case Ankara – and Washington – were to face civil war in Syria. Obviously, what was leaked by the New York Times reveals that Obama and Erdogan are considering the “realism” of this scenario which was completely excluded until two months ago. The more the possibility of seeing a “settlement” is imminent, the more the oppression mounts and the convoys of coffins increase, after decay has undermined the authority's cohesion. As for Israel, it might not mind – as a last resort – the imitation of the American experience in Iraq, where it guarded mobile civil wars for years while witnessing the massacres. The only difference in the Syrian case is that Israel will follow Obama's methods for now by monitoring the Arab Spring from afar, i.e. from the occupied Golan, to see whether or not the uprising will fall in a trap which is growing closer with the increase of the siege on the regime from the outside and on the street. This would eliminate the question related to the preference between the executioner and the guard and the executioner guard. Zainab Homsi, Hamza al-Khatib, Muhammad al-Durra. The “spring's” winter will be a difficult one.