I nominate Dana Rohrabacher for the title of the world's most insolent, ignorant, and stupid person. This congressman went to Iraq as part of a delegation of six representatives, and met with Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki, to whom Dana suggested that Iraq repay the United States for the costs it incurred as a result of the war, when Iraq can afford it. After the meeting, Rohrabacher told the journalists at the U.S. embassy, “We would hope that some consideration be given to repaying the United States some of the mega-dollars we have spent here in the last eight years”. In other words, Rohrabacher is asking the victim to pay its executioner. The George W. Bush administration falsified the premises for the Iraq wars deliberately. The blood of one million Iraqi martyrs stains the hands of the war cabal and every congressman and senator who supported this war, and all the Likudniks around the administration who deceived the American people by exaggerating a nonexistent threat. The Bush administration, with the help of the Congress and the enemies of peace in the Israel lobby and the Likudniks in and around the administration, established a sectarian regime in Iraq, gave pretext for terrorism to grip the country, and almost started a sectarian war. Ultimately, they have handed over Iraq to Iran, and the country's government now receives its orders straight from Qom. But it is human life that matters the most. Here, I am talking about half a million Iraqi children who died of disease or malnutrition during the criminal embargo that followed the liberation of Kuwait, and the one million Iraqis and five thousand Americans who died in the invasion of Iraq, which was carried out for oil-related and Israeli motives. Yet a humanly, if not mentally, retarded American congressman dares to ask the victim to pay the costs for the crime. If we put human lives aside and talk in terms of money, the occupation has looted Iraq, according to official American auditors. This is no secret, and it is well documented. All I do here is remind the reader of what has already been published, and is no longer disputable. When the American ‘High Commissioner' went to Iraq, there were six billion dollars carried over from the Oil for Food Program and ten billion dollars in frozen assets after the resumption of oil exports from Iraq. Further, the U.S. Congress approved 18.4 billion dollars for the reconstruction of Iraq. Where is all this money? The answer is that it has vanished. The American investigators scrutinized the records of hundreds of American corporations, and started 69 criminal investigations into the theft of these funds. As it turned out, the U.S. occupation authority had kept 600 million dollars in cash, which it would use for making payments without receipts. How many times over does Rohrabacher want the Iraqis to be killed, and how many times over does he want them to be robbed? The embezzlement is recorded in official reports that date back to Bremer's tenure in Iraq, especially in the years 2004 and 2005. The killing, meanwhile, persists, and so does the theft of Iraqi oil revenues. But perhaps I would not have returned to Rohrabacher's statements, were it not for the fact that other Congressmen compete with him in insolence. I had thought that my candidate Dana Rohrabacher was the stupidest member of Congress. However, Dr. Jim Zogby, one of the most active defenders of Arab causes in the United States, nominated another candidate this month, who is Sen. Mark Kirk. Kirk suggested that the United States use its military to help Israel prevent peace activists from breaking the siege on Gaza. Jim said that the Senator forgot that activists include many Americans in their ranks. And I say that it is the likes of Kirk who rendered the United States the most hated country around the world, after it had been a model for us all, and a leader in human rights. The fact of the matter is that the entire Senate deserves an award for stupidity, because if its members are not stupid, then they are agents of Israel acting against their country and their interests, and accusing them of stupidity would give them an alibi. For instance, the Senate voted unanimously this month on a resolution calling on the administration to oppose the Palestinians' efforts for statehood by all means, while threatening the Palestinian Authority to suspend U.S. aid. But the aid to the Palestinians is a droplet in the sea of the sustained and massive theft of U.S. taxpayer money, carried out by Israel with the support of the congressmen and women. The American position called for by the latter would mean a third or fourth and tenth intifada, until the Palestinian state is ultimately established. The U.S. Congress also opposed the reconciliation between Hamas and Fatah. Here I say that Hamas is a thousand times better than the racist members of the Israeli cabinet, or Likud, Shas and Yisrael Beiteinu, which are criminal gangs and not political parties. There was also a statement signed by more than a dozen U.S. senators and over 60 members of the House of Representatives expressing overwhelming support for Israel, i.e. support for a racist terrorist state against peace activists. Once again here, I reiterate that there are Americans among those activists (This statement was published after both houses of Congress prostrated themselves before the annual conference of the Israel lobby - AIPAC). The members of the U.S. Congress sacrificed thousands of America's youths in Israeli wars, and sacrificing yet another twenty Americans is nothing by comparison. They, the Israeli army, and the settlers are the enemies of peace. [email protected]