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Ayoon Wa Azan (I Would Not Have Complained, But They Are Dragging Us Along)
Published in AL HAYAT on 16 - 06 - 2010

If the Arab reader believes that the Lebanese, Kuwaiti or Egyptian Parliaments are bad, and that they are a statement against democracy, he or she might find solace in observing the proceedings of the U.S Congress, because it is at least as bad as the Arab parliaments.
The founding fathers of the United States laid the foundations of a great democratic system based on three branches of government: executive, legislative and judicial (and the press as the fourth estate), joined together by checks and balances so that none of them would become more powerful than the other. But the founding fathers in the eighteenth century did not take into account the tyranny of money over American political will, with the ensuing situation that unfolded in the aftermath of the 1967 war where the members of both houses of the Congress fell in the pocket of the Israel lobby, despite the damage that this has been causing to U.S interests around the world. Then there is the ongoing elections ‘industry', with the election of one third of the Senate and the entire House of Representatives every two years, and the Presidential elections along with a third of the Senate and the entire House of Representatives each four years.
Israel is not a strategic ally of the United States. It is a strategic enemy that has spread anti-Americanism all over the world, and not just among Arabs and Muslims. Israel also steals the U.S taxpayers' money each year: while the declared aid to the state of thieves is three billion dollars, it exceeds ten billion dollars each year in reality, including tax exempt contributions, loan guarantees and lethal weapons at ‘encouraging' prices, all so Israel can implement its policy of occupation, destruction and murder that ultimately led to more widespread terrorism following the war on terror.
Arguably, Israel is responsible for the terrorist attacks of 11/9/2001 in New York, because al-Qaeda would not have existed had it not been for the Israeli crimes. I also want to say that solutions, be they political or military solutions, are not possible as long as the American political will is powerless against the tyranny of one country/gang and its grasp on the Congress, the extent of which was evident from the quasi unanimous support of the war on Lebanon and then Gaza, amid international condemnation, rendering the U.S Congress an accomplice and instigator in the Israeli crimes.
I am afraid the above introduction might have overshadowed the subject that I wanted to discuss today. I read that the expenses of the wars on Afghanistan and Iraq have recently exceeded one trillion dollars. Even if these wars should end quickly, they will cost another trillion dollars, i.e. more than the cost of any other war, even during the U.S participation in the Second World War.
The war on Afghanistan was justified to destroy al-Qaeda. However, the Bush administration did not finish the war, and invaded Iraq for oil-related and Israeli calculations. Congress got on board the bandwagon, and 4500 U.S soldiers were killed along with approximately a million Iraqis. A few days ago, the number of U.S soldiers killed in Afghanistan hit the milestone of one thousand. I also read that 313 U.S soldiers were killed in the last ten months, compared to 295 soldiers killed in the first five years of the war, and that 430 soldiers have been killed since Barack Obama became President in January 2009. Moreover, the number of U.S troops in Afghanistan at present exceeds the number of U.S troops in Iraq (94 thousand compared to 92 thousand).
Is there any sane person who could support such wars despite the enormous expenditure in both men and materiel? The following are two ample examples of the machinations of Congress in recent days:
-The Armed Services Committee in the House of Representatives approved a 1.9 percent increase in the salaries of the military personnel, which is 0.5 percent more that the figure requested by Defence Secretary Robert Gates. This means that the salaries of the other staff working for the Department of Defence and the civilian contactors will increase by a similar amount, although the Defence Secretary was demanding that the budget be cut by about 15 billion dollars. Even if this happens, the budget would still exceed 750 billion dollars, i.e. more than the combined military spending of the rest of the world.
- Congress approved the construction of a second engine for the F-35 fighter jet. What is strange here is that the Defence Secretary said that he does not want the second engine, nor does the air force, and President Obama said that is was unnecessary. Yet, the representatives approved 485 million dollars for a second engine because it provides jobs in their states, and in compliance with the lobby of the defence industries.
If there is something to say about President Dwight Eisenhower, it would be his warning in his last speech as he left the White House against the control of the military-industrial complex over the decision-making process, and the misuse of power.
This Congress is the enemy of U.S interests around the world, both because of its allegiance to the Israel lobby, and the pressures of personal interests. We cannot forget how when the Bush administration protested the building of Israeli settlements in Jerusalem and the dispossession of Palestinians, 75 Senators sent a letter to the President calling on him to cooperate with Israel.
They are leading their country into ruin. I would not have complained here, but they are dragging us along with them.
[email protected]

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