The stances expressed by President Barack Obama in speeches and statements on peace in the Middle East pose a risk to us; he has good intentions and he is honest, but his ability to deliver is next to zero. As a result, each subsequent stance by Obama gives the Israelis something to encourage them to go forward with the peace process. The gains they receive as a result, however, become a sacred right for Israel, while peace with the rightwing extremist government of Israel is impossible. I chose for this series the two speeches delivered by the U.S. President at the State Department on 19/5 then at AIPAC's conference on 22/5, and Benjamin Netanyahu's speech in Congress on 24/5 – He had addressed AIPAC a day earlier, and a day after Obama had addressed the lobby. Obama also gave a speech in London, but the part that interests us most was on the aid to the youths' revolutions, which was good. However, it is not my topic for today. Everyone now knows that President Obama has spoken of peace negotiations that culminate in two states, Israel a Jewish state and a Palestinian state for the Palestinians established along the lines of 4/6/1967, with mutually-agreed land swaps. As an Arab, I reject a Jewish state, because 1.6 million native inhabitants live there. I also reject the proposed Palestinian state, because I reject any land swaps, as these would mean that the Israelis would take lands in the heart of Palestine in Jerusalem and around it, in return for lands in the desert. The President also spoke about a contiguous Palestinian state. However, he also accepted Israeli military presence in the Jordan Valley, which is an Israeli request that must be rejected. What is even more sinister than all the above is that the U.S. President wants the Palestinian state to be demilitarized, which is also a known Israeli demand. A demilitarized state is not a real state. The U.S. President talks about Israel's security again and again, but he forgot Palestine's security. He even said that the United States guarantees the security of Israel while the latter must also be able to defend itself. However, he left the Palestinians under the mercy of a neo-Nazi state that murders women and children. All the above was stated on 19/5. He then went to AIPAC to insist that “The borders of Israel and Palestine should be based on the 1967 lines with mutually agreed swaps”. However, in his address before the lobby, he added stances that would in turn become Israeli gains, while an agreement with the government of war criminals in Israel is impossible. Obama reaffirmed his commitment to prevent Iran from acquiring a nuclear weapon. In other words, his country wants to prevent something in the future, while overlooking Israel's clear and present nuclear arsenal. He expressed his sadness over an Israeli whose leg was amputated in a Hamas rocket attack on Sderot, but he failed to mention that Israel is blockading the Gaza Strip, and that since the start of the second intifada, Israel murdered around 1500 Palestinian minors, compared to 135 Israeli minors, i.e. a ratio of more than ten to one, or a Nazi ratio. President Obama even spoke about the captive Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit and demanded that Hamas release him. However, he failed to demand that Israel release ten thousand Palestinian prisoners in the neo-Nazi concentration camps run by an extremist racist government. This is while bearing in mind that Shalit is a soldier, and that it is his job to kill or to be killed. By contrast, the Palestinian prisoners include dozens of women and children. President Obama is intelligent and extremely well-informed, as is widely known. He does not have the excuse of being stupid or ignorant, as the stances of George W. Bush or his conduct betrayed. For this reason, I accuse him of reiterating blatant Israeli lies regarding the reconciliation between Hamas and Fatah, as the former does not recognize Israel. Here, I would like to remind him of what he already knows, that the Israeli government comprises two parties, Yisrael Beiteinu and Shas, which do not recognize the Palestinians and their proposed state, and proclaim instead that King Abdullah II must repatriate them because they are Jordanians. I can refute every single point in both of President Obama's speeches, and I do not accept any excuse for him, given his intelligence and knowledge. He holds that his country opposes the delegitimization of Israel, but I say to him here that Israel has no legitimacy to begin with, and will not have any unless the Palestinians, the rightful owners of the entire land, give Israel this legitimacy within the framework of an agreement. He is also opposed to the Palestinians' bid to obtain UN recognition of their state, and I remind him that his country does not have veto power in the General Assembly. I dare the United States and Israel, because the majority of the countries of the world are on the side of the Palestinians, and we shall see the result of the vote next September. I would like to say to President Obama to stop trying to appeal to the Likudniks, because they will not approve of him even if he joins their faith, and I don't think he will do that.