Forget it. There will be no peace with this Israeli government and this Israeli people. The Netanyahu government is fascist and racist, and its extremism is the subject of daily debate that surrounds the whole world. However, the Israeli people too has veered right and veered to extremism, perhaps for the first time since the establishment of Israel. In the past, the Jews in Palestine used to always vacillate between the center and the left. However, the failure of the peace process in the nineties took them to the extreme right, after an extremist minority convinced them that the Palestinians do not want peace. This is despite the fact that the Foreign Minister at the time, Shlomo Ben-Ami, said in his memoirs that Yasser Arafat was right to reject the American-Israeli offer at Camp David, because they were trying to deceive him. In the not so distant past, I accepted a Palestinian state on 22 percent of Palestine, and still accept this state today and will accept it tomorrow. However, extremism can only be countered with extremism. When I read the commentaries in the Israeli press regarding the stances of the Netanyahu government and its advocates, I remind myself and all Arabs and Muslims that Palestine is the land between the sea and the river, and that the Israelis living there are thieves who stole the country from its original inhabitants and continue to steal it today. The Israeli declaration of ‘independence', or the declaration of the theft of Palestine, mentioned that Israel “will ensure complete equality of social and political rights to all its inhabitants irrespective of religion, race or sex; it will guarantee freedom of religion, conscience, language, education and culture; it will safeguard the Holy Places of all religions; and it will be faithful to the principles of the Charter of the United Nations”. However, the actions of the successive Israeli governments, especially the current extremist government, contradict everything mentioned in the declaration above, and the mere talk of a Jewish state cancels out any possibility for equal rights. Moreover, Israel, over 62 years, hogs the record number of condemnations issued by the United Nations, which means that the whole world views Israel as an aggressor state that violates the Charter of the United Nations. Again, forget it, if we have not already done so. I also want to reiterate that the issue involves an independent contiguous Palestinian state with East Jerusalem as its capital and within the border lines of 1967, i.e. on a fifth of the land of Palestine only. The Palestinian side had negotiated on this basis in the 1990s, with Ehud Barak and Ehud Olmert. The Palestinians National Authority then accepted to participate in proximity talks, or the current indirect negotiations, also on this basis, and chose to begin with borders and security. But what was the Israeli response? The Netanyahu government says that the issue is not the exchange of land, but rather security. But I say that security is a vague or intangible issue, while land is quantifiable. However, the Israeli side refuses to negotiate over the land and the borders on the basis of which the Palestinian state is to be established; the Israelis only focus on whether the Palestinian side will pledge that this state will be demilitarized, and whether Israel will be recognized as a Jewish state. The Israeli side then calls for a solution to the refugees issue at the expense of neighboring countries, namely Jordan, and then Lebanon, Syria and other Arab countries. The Likudnik commentator Guy Bechor resumed his Goebbels-like style of writing last week in Yedioth Ahronoth, and said that Jordan wants to establish a Palestinian state at Israel's expense. He said that Israeli leaders should from now on demand that the East Bank, i.e. Jordan, be included in the negotiations, whether to bring about a confederation [with the West Bank], cooperation agreements, a joint administration or the like. This despicable extremist wrote a few weeks ago about the alleged strategic alliance between President Mubarak and Netanyahu, and found some Arabs to believe him because that suited them. He is now – through his Goebbels-inspired style – focusing on Jordan. Here, I want to say that we are all Jordanians and Palestinians, and that as an Arab citizen I accept that King Abdullah II rule both banks, while insisting that this all follows the establishment of the independent Palestinian state. However, this is all out of the question in Israel today, where an extremist government represents a people whose majority is extremist at present, a majority that needs to awaken before future terrorist attacks take place with weapons of mass destruction. Moshe Yaalon, the former Chief of Staff and the current Deputy Prime Minister wrote the preface to an extremist study in which he warned of a return to the 1967 borders. In other words, he warned against peace, and called for Israel to continue to manage the conflict instead of seeking a resolution because the latter is not practical now. Israel is a terrorist state that has no right to exist in the region in the first place. If we accept the two-state solution, this does not mean that we should forget that Israel is a biblical myth, and that Israel today is the price paid by the Palestinians for when the Christian West murdered the Khazari Jews. Returning to Guy (Goebbels) Bechor, he says that it is absurd that the entire Palestinian burden rests solely on the shoulders of Israel. However, the truth is that it is the entire Israeli burden that is rests solely on the shoulders of the Palestinians, who are the original inhabitants of the land and who will prevail. As for the extremist Israelis like him, they will only be ‘transit' travellers unless the Palestinian state is established. [email protected]