Norwegian Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg reshuffled his government, after the minister of children, equality and social inclusion resigned Monday, according to dpa. Audun Lysbakken's resignation came after local media disclosed that feminists in the youth wing of his Socialist Left Party had received funding from his ministry for a self-defence course, raising allegations of bias. Lysbakken, 34, had held the portfolio since October 2009. His resignation comes days before a party conference at which he is the sole candidate as new leader of the junior partner in the ruling red-green coalition. Although he was leaving the government, Lysbakken said he would run for party leadership and continue in parliament. Stoltenberg said Education Minister Kristin Halvorsen, the outgoing leader of the Socialist Left Party, was to handle Lysbakken's portfolio for the time being. At a joint news conference with Lysbakken, Halvorsen later said she backed Lysbakken as her successor, saying he had shown "good leadership and had taken responsibility for mistakes." Halvorsen said she was convinced it would be possible for Lysbakken to be party leader, even if he was not a government member. Stoltenberg said a solution could be found "if there is practical and political will." The coalition, which has been in office since 2005 and was re-elected in 2009, comprises Stoltenberg's Labour Party, the Centre Party and the Socialist Left Party.