Ukraine's government on Friday expelled two Czech diplomats accused of spying to gain aerospace secrets, dpa reported. Both were staff members of the Czech Republic's embassy in Kiev and had "engaged in activities not in keeping with their diplomatic status," according to a Ukrainian Foreign Ministry statement. Ukraine's national intelligence agency the SBU identified them as Colonel Zdenek Kubichek, the Czech embassy's military attache, and Major Petra Navotna, his assistant. The Czech officers had allegedly attempted to collect confidential information on Ukrainian government agencies, "military installations and political intelligence" and had been uncovered by the SBU, spokeswoman Marina Ostapenko said. Two Ukrainian citizens had been arrested for providing the information to the Czechs, who appeared to have been interested in products of the State Enterprise Plant 410, a state-owned aerospace company, she said, according to Interfax. One of the Ukrainian citizens was an factory employee. The Kiev-headquartered Plant 410 specialises in repairs and overhauls of Soviet-era medium and light cargo aircraft, and their engines. The Indian air force is one of the factory's most important customers. Ukraine's government has frequently accused the Kremlin of sending secret agents to operate in Ukraine under diplomatic cover, but a claim against a NATO member is unusual.