Stocks in Tokyo closed down Friday for the first time in three days as investors sold shares to lock in recent gains after the benchmark Nikkei 225 Stock Average opened at a seven-month high, as dpa reported. The Nikkei closed down 73.93 points, or 0.72 per cent, at 10,211.95 while the broader Topix index declined 3.38 points, or 0.38 per cent, to 888.22. The Nikkei and Topix were up 0.33 per cent and 1.02 per cent for the week, respectively. Major exporters were among the falling stocks as the yen strengthened. A higher yen makes Japanese good more expensive abroad and reduces overseas earnings when they are repatriated. On currency markets at 3 pm (0600 GMT), the dollar traded at 83.66-99 yen, down from Thursday's 5 pm quote of 83.81-82 yen. The euro traded at 1.3250-53 dollars, down from 1.3306-07 dollars Thursday, and at 110.85-89 yen, down from 111.52-56 yen.