Gulf Petrochemical Industries Company (GPIC) takes receipt of new firefighting equipment, which will enhance the emergency capability of GPIC's Emergency Responders. The new equipment, two ‘One Seven Firefighting Foam Units' and six specially designed trailer foam units with mounted hydro/foam fixed monitors are the first of their kind to be introduced to the Kingdom of Bahrain. The One Seven foam units manufactured by Giamex (Germany) are state of the art foam producing machines. At the press of a button high quality foam is produced which is quite unique in that each of the bubbles in the foam are uniform. This property enables the foam to remove the heat from the fire extremely quickly and therefore has the capability to knock out the fire quickly. The foam is effective on all types of fire, in particular oil and chemical fires and is the first foam that can be used on metal fires. Another advantage of this foam is it can be applied to high voltage equipment up to 35,000 volts; the firefighters applying the foam do not risk electrocution, according to a GPIC press release. --MORE