Qa'dah 19, 1431, Oct 27, 2010, SPA -- Ali Dogru of the EXPEC Advanced Research Center (EXPEC ARC) was recognized with the Innovative Thinkers Award at the World Oil 2010 awards dinner reception, held recently in Houston. The reception was themed “Innovation,” and recognized activities, companies and professionals that are at “the pinnacle of our global industry.” Ali Dogru, chief technologist of the EXPEC ARC Computational Modeling Technology Team, was recognized for his forward thinking and leadership of the game-changing technology GigaPOWERSTM, the world's leading reservoir simulation technology. He initiated, assembled and led the team that developed POWERS and its next-generation GigaPOWERS to simulate the world's largest oil and gas reservoirs at geologic resolution. The technology is a major tool, relied upon daily to plan and manage field development to maximize oil and gas recovery, according to a latest report carried by Saudi Aramco's web-page. --MORE