The operation to separate the Siamese twins from the Iraqi city of Najaf, Zainab and Roqiah, began here today at King Abdulaziz Medical City of the National Guard. Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Abdullah bin Abdulaziz Al Saud ordered the operation. The 9-stage operation to separate the twins is expected to last for about 12 hours. The operation is being carried out by the Saudi specialized surgical team led by Minister of Health Dr. Abdullah bin Abdulaziz Alrabaia'ah. King Abdulaziz Medical City of the National Guard in Riyadh is a medical reference for such advanced operations. 27 successful separation operations were performed in the kingdom. After completion, this will be the 28th in the series of Siamese twins separation operations performed in the kingdom for conjoined twins from many nationalities including 16 Arab, Islamic and other friendly countries.