At least 11 passengers were injured Tuesday when an express train derailed in India's eastern state of Bihar, a news report said. Fourteen carriages of the Rajdhani Express traveling between New Delhi and Guwahati came off the rails in the Bhagalpur district, the Press Trust of India reported. Railway spokesman Dilip Kumar told PTI that the driver of the train applied the emergency brakes after hearing the sound of an explosion on the tracks, which apparently led to the derailment about 200 kilometres east of the state capital, Patna. The exact cause, however, had yet to be ascertained, he said, adding that the possibility of sabotage would also be examined. The derailment led to the cancellation of five other trains on the route Tuesday. India's more than 150-year-old railway network is the second-largest in the world and the largest in Asia, with 108,706 kilometres of track. The railways transport more than 18 million passengers and more than 2 million tons of freight daily.