Riyadh newspaper said those who throw doubts about the acquisition of Israel of nuclear arsenal, are actually engaged in twisting facts because there are more than an international source which are fully aware of this reality about Israel and its nefarious designs in the region. "Even France, which had earlier provided the Jewish state with the nuclear technology and experts, had known everything in detail about this matter," said the paper. "Moreover, Israel had earlier cooperated with South Africa during the era of the apartheid rule in the country, but that cooperation might not have exceeded more than exchange of information in this regard. Israel has been categorically denying its acquisition of nuclear arsenal and believes that those who speak about its nuclear arsenal are on the same level of those who deny the Holocaust. The report published by the Guardian about Israel's acquisition of nuclear weapons is not a new matter, but the strange thing is that the socialist countries which appeared to be friends of the Arab countries during the era of the cold war did not disclose this fact. How it would be possible for the former Soviet Union to be unaware of Israel's acquisition of nuclear arsenal despite the fact that it was capable of invading the space and implanting satellite for episode purposes," the daily questioned. "We don't believe that the disclosure of this report has come out to put pressure on Israel or as a result of the Arab demand for freeing the region from this dangerous weapon, but it has just come to clarify an accomplished fact,: said the paper noting that Israel is always ready to shake hands with the devil if that will serve its interests. Israel is fully aware that the elements who provided the former Soviet Union with the secrets of the atomic bomb were of Jewish origin and subsequently it believes in the principle of 'ends justify means', advocated by Niccolo Machiavelli, the Italian philosopher. The paper believes that despite the acquisition of Israel of the nuclear arsenal since a long time ago, the Arabs have remained backward in this field, adding the big question is this: "Will Israel be accountable in this respect like other countries, and will it comply with the international laws or it is above the international laws?"