Iconic character Mickey Mouse, whose squeaky voice characterizes his animated incarnation, is finally learning to speak in real time, according to dpa. More than 80 years since the beloved children's character first made his appearance in 1928, Disney is testing a talking version of Mickey for the meet-and-greet characters who populate its theme parks, the Los Angeles Times reported Friday. While characters such as Snow White and Cinderella, whose faces are seen by visitors, have long chatted with fans at the parks, the report said that its Mickey characters would also soon start talking instead of the silent greetings usually given children. The talking Mickey will have a few other tricks as well, including blinking eyes and a moving mouth, the report said. The tests of the new Mickey are taking place at Disneyland in Los Angeles, and parks around the world could see their own talking Mickeys and other characters such as Goofy and Donald Duck within a few years.