The following index quotations were noted on the world's major stock markets, according to dpa. # March 22 March 19 Difference New York Dow Jones 10,793.75 10,741.98 (+ 51.77) New York NASDAQ Comp, 2,394.10 2,374.41 (+ 19.69) Tokyo* Nikkei 10,824.72 10,744.03 (+ 80.69) Sydney All Ordinaries 4,847.53 4,890.07 (- 42.54) Hong Kong Hang Seng 20,933.25 21,370.82 (- 437.57) London Fin.-Times 5,644.54 5,650.12 (- 5.58) Paris CAC-40 3,928.00 3,925.44 (+ 2.56) Zurich SMI 6,866.43 6,880.76 (- 14.33) Frankfurt DAX-Index 5,987.50 5,982.43 (+ 5.07) Frankfurt EuroStoxx 50 2,890.75 2,897.95 (- 7.20) * Closed for holiday #